Why I Write So Sparingly On My Personal Blog

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I often find myself thinking of the old quote by Lao Tzu, the 6th century BC author of the Tao Te Ching:

“Those who know don’t speak. Those who speak don’t know.”

As basic as it may sound, silence and wisdom go hand in hand. Going out of your way to share your ideas is meaningless. Even if your ideas are revolutionary, writing about them will likely get you nowhere.

This might be counter-intuitive in an age where everyone has an opinion on everything while broadcasting it to the world. However, the wisdom still rings true today.

I choose to leave my best ideas safely tucked away in my own home or in my own mind. Written for only me and the people I trust the most.

Not Everyone Should Have A Blog

This is going to run in the face of everything that’s been promoted in the early 2000s.

I’ve reached that conclusion the if you want any peace or any hope at being able to stay out of pointless debates, then revealing your thoughts on any one subject online or even publicly is pretty pointless.

Sharing your most important ideas might even be dangerous.

You should have a very good “why” for creating a personal blog. The internet has made people too comfortable putting their most delicate thoughts out in public.

It’s an attack vector. Anything you say can and will be used against you. Always.

It’s why the people who have the most to say — say nothing.

There’s a reason Warren Buffett is not active on social media:

“When you sit down at a computer and screw your life up forever… you can’t erase it.”

Sure he’s old, but age often comes with wisdom.

It’s a hard pill to swallow. Recognizing that it’s true can save you from unwanted conflict that could potentially sabotage any hope at achieving your plans.

The value of an idea is never its acceptance. The accuracy is what makes them valuable.

Don’t share it. Live it.