I often find myself thinking of the old quote by Lao Tzu, the 6th century BC author of the Tao Te Ching: “Those who know don’t speak. Those who speak don’t know.” As basic as…
Posts By sethconnell
I Called 911 After Spotting An Apartment On Fire Over A Mile Away
This doesn’t happen every day. I recently called 911 to report an apartment fire and landed myself on the front page of a local newspaper in the process! It all started when I was going…
Case Study: My Abandoned Property Investment
To find hidden treasures, look where no one else is looking. In 2022, I found myself the owner of an abandoned home. The details below can be your preview of what such projects are like…
Recession “Side Effects” Home Owners Should Expect
CNBC once released a public news report calling home ownership an “escalator to wealth.” That’s probably an overstatement. It’s true that home ownership has outperformed inflation for the last 100 years. But sadly, your equity…
Russia’s Internet Plans Are Authoritarian, But Not Yet Isolationist
While the internet is abuzz with the claim that Russia is trying to “build its own” internet, this statement likely misconstrues and undermines the truly dangerous aspect of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest actions, which…
China Shows A Reoccurring Pattern In Asia Takeover
Below I’m attempting to describe a possible cultural link to China’s strategic foreign policies. Not only is China rapidly taking over Asia, but it continues to pervade and permeate through other cultures and regions in…
How I Generated One Client $1,000,000 in Sales In 6 Months
Here are the 3 keys to generating sales labeled in order of importance: The pitch. The product. The company. Your pitch is more important than your product. Your product is more important than your company.…
ROI Analysis: Do Radio Advertisers Actually Make Money?
“Digital marketing” is the hottest new buzz term these days. Chances are pretty high you’ve been bombarded with advertisements by online gurus promising to teach you how to make millions of dollars through marketing channels…
Case Study: Why Minimum Wage Hikes Hurt The Poor
Poverty is more common than you think. According to a recent study, around 40 million Americans are currently living in poverty. Since poverty is such a widespread issue, poor people are, quite frankly, political targets. Politicians all…